Grab my new series, "Grit and Glory on the Frontier", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Chapter One
The storekeeper counted the money out slowly and carefully. He had twenties, and he laid them down one after another until the total reached five hundred dollars.
“Thank you,” said Derrick Logan.
“They were very fine hides, Derrick. Some of the best I’ve ever seen.”
Logan grabbed the cash and put it in his jacket pocket.
“I’m glad you’re an honest man, Sam. I don’t have to worry about being cheated when I deal with you. How long have we been doing business?”
“About seven years,” Sam Edwards said. “And you’ve always brought in quality hides.” He chuckled. “And you look a lot different now than you did when you came in.”
Logan rubbed his jaw and nodded. “Yes, no three-week-old beard. When I’m out trapping, I just let it grow. Easier than shaving every day. But I have to find another job. That cold water is almost freezing this time of year. My fingers felt like ice most of the time up there in the mountains.”
“But it pays good money.”
“Yes, but I have a fiancée who I plan to marry, and she would like me to be home more than six months during the year. So I will be asking around.”
“Looking for anything in particular?” Edwards asked.
“Nope, although I can drive a stagecoach if the stage line needs a driver. Was hired by the army as a scout for about eight months some time ago because I know the territory. I might try ranching. I like horses and could build a horse ranch. I’ve got some money saved, and it might be enough to buy a piece of ground big enough for a ranch.”
“Well, I wish you luck. Sorry you won’t be trapping anymore.”
“I won’t. That was not easy, and it was cold. Those icy winds cut through you. On a ranch, I’ll have a real fireplace instead of a campfire in frigid weather. I’m going to take a couple of days off and play a little poker and then head for Idaho Springs. That’s where Judy is, and I trust she is waiting for me.”
He left the office and strolled to the Colorado City bank, where he had an account. He filled out the deposit slip for four hundred dollars and headed to a teller’s window. The man smiled, took his money, and gave him back a deposit.
“That makes your account close to two thousand dollars, Mr. Logan?”
“Good, thank you. Now I’m going to do some investing.”
“Going to become a businessman?”
“I sure am. I’ve been working for money, but I want to get to a place where my money is working for me. I’m going to play a little poker first. Maybe I’ll get some more to invest. Of course, to be honest, I’m not sure what I’m going to invest in. But I’m fortunate in knowing two men who make their business in the financial market, so I’m going to be asking them a few questions. I’m going to be married soon, but I want my future wife to know the household will be solvent. She wants children too. I agree that children are wonderful, but they can be expensive too.”
The clerk laughed. “That’s true, sir. I wish you luck.”
Logan put the deposit in his wallet and walked to the hotel. He took a second-story room with a window and paid an extra fifty cents for a hot bath. When he was hunting, there were rivers and water for baths galore. However, the rivers were cold. Everything was cold in the mountains. He wanted a hot bath. After six weeks of trapping, his muscles and back were sore, and the legs protested moving too. They wanted a long rest. So did he.
“That’s another reason to look for investments. I can do trapping now and recover quickly, but ten or twenty years from now, I’ll probably make a mistake, slip, and break my neck. In the future, I need something less hazardous,” he said aloud.
Another reason he planned to look for another job was Judy wanted him to. She didn’t want him to spend six months of the year miles from home. Logan admitted the prospect of six months away from Judy didn’t appeal to him either. He walked over and looked out the window. Colorado City seemed to have gotten bigger and more populated since the last time he was in town. He watched walkers stroll down the street and saw wagons and horses also ride or roll down the street. It was a growing town. He gave a half-smile, assuming towns had to grow. In one sense, it showed prosperity for the citizens. A town, like an individual, had to grow. He had seen ghost towns and knew the result when towns started dying. Every area had a few of those towns that, for whatever reason, stopped growing and started dying. But he also liked the open range; the plains and forests and mountains had made Colorado the magnificent state it was.
Although, he admitted, even with the growth of towns, there was still plenty of Colorado land that remained open and wild.
Which was how it should be, he thought.
A knock on the door came, and he sauntered over to open it. An employee was standing there with a towel.
“Your tub is being prepared now, sir. It has just been filled with hot water.”
Logan tipped him a dollar. “Thank you,” he said, taking the towel.
He entered the tub room and, in a few seconds, sank into the hot water grinning with pleasure. The hot water should ease the kinks out. He smiled, looking forward to a life with Judy and of, if not being wealthy, then at least well-off.
Two hours later, he was in the local saloon playing poker. There were four other men at the table. One looked like a professor, but the other three appeared to be random players. The pro looked like a gambler and wore a dark suit with a vest, but he had a friendly, amiable look, and a jovial voice. The man had introduced himself as Hal Watson. He guessed the other three were from Colorado City, but he thought Watson moved around to different locations seeking a profitable game.
One of the men was skinny, with a bony nose and chin. He said his name was Bill Mason, and Mason was precise with his cards. He handled each of them as if they were precious gems. He neither smiled nor frowned. Adam Dawson was the second man, and he looked like an ordinary cowboy. The last man at the table appeared moody and irritable. His name was Walt Tyger. He’s not the type of man who should play poker, Logan thought. You can have a good night with the cards, but more often than not, they can prove irritating.
Logan had just declined to call Watson, and it proved to be a wise decision. Watson had two queens showing and put down the third one when called. No one else could match him. If Watson had called, he would have lost a good amount of money.
“Well, gentleman, the last hand went well. Let’s begin the new hand with fifty in the pot,” Watson said.
“It went well for you, not for the rest of us,” Tyger said.
“Then you need another hand to make up for the loss,” the gambler replied.
Tyger tossed fifty dollars into the pot. “I don’t know why, but I always believe that.”
“A hopeless optimist?” Logan said, also dropping fifty dollars into the center of the table.
“Either that or a fool,” Tyger said, “Usually, it’s the latter.”
The three other men also tossed fifty dollars onto the table. It was Logan’s turn to deal, and he dealt five cards to each player. He looked at each, but their faces told him nothing about their cards.
Watson smiled. “Since I won the last hand, perhaps I should start this one. I will go in for fifty dollars. It’s to you, Mr. Mason.”
Mason’s long, skinny figures skimmed over his cards. For a second, he looked undecided and, for that matter, puzzled. Then he reached the pile of bills he had before him and picked up three.
“I will call you,” he said.
Mason folded, as did Dawson, but Tyger called Watson. Logan looked at his cards. He had two eights and two threes. If he was a little bit lucky, he might take the hand. He picked up a fifty and tossed it into the pot.
“I’ll take a risk this time,” he said.
Watson picked up the cards. “How many, folks?
Tyger wanted two cards, and so did Watson. Logan tossed one away.
“A confident man,” Watson said.
“A careful man. I never get confident at a poker table,” Logan said.
Watson dealt the cards, and Logan’s heart gave an extra thump when he pulled up the three of clubs. It completed a full house. He picked up a hundred dollars.
“I just have to add a hundred,” he said.
“I think you’re bluffing,” Tyger said. “We all know you were drawing to a full house, and now you want to make us think you got it.”
“My friend, that was the farthest thing from my mind,” Logan said.
“I’ll bet it was, and I’m not your friend,” Tyger said. “I’m calling you and adding in another hundred. It’s two hundred to you, Mr. Watson.”
Watson shook his head. “Well, one should be careful. I wonder if Mr. Logan is bluffing.” He thought for a moment. “But nothing ventured, nothing gained. I’ll go with the two hundred and add another fifty. It’s back to you, Mr. Logan.”
Logan looked like he was studying his cards. “You two must have good hands. But if I have two hundred bet, I should go and bet at least another fifty.
“I think that makes it a hundred and fifty to you, Mr. Tyger,” Watson said.
Tyger reached into his pile of money and drew out three fifties. He tossed it to the center of the table.
“I’ll call. I want to see if Mr. Logan really is bluffing. It’s a hundred to you, Mr. Logan.”
Watson dropped fifty dollars into the pot. “Let’s all show our hands.”
He laid his cards on the table. Three queens. Tyger had three tens, and he groaned as he laid them down. Logan smiled as he put down his full house.
“Threes!” Tyger yelled. “Lousy threes!”
“They are not lousy when paired with two eights,” Logan said, smiling. He reached for the cash in the middle of the table.
“I appreciate it, gentlemen,” he said. “I’ve just got in town. Thank you for being so welcoming.”
Tyger frowned. The other players, except Watson, were stone-faced. Watson, though, smiled. “Well, you can’t win them all. Just got in town? Where were you?”
“Trapping in the mountains. Hard work, but it does bring in some cash. Ever done any trapping, Mr. Watson?”
The gambler gave a big smile and shook his head. “Oh, no, that’s too much like working. I prefer cards.”
Logan laughed. “I have found cards are not as dependable as trapping. You can win, but you can also lose at a poker game.”
“Well, I always try to win,” Watson said. “I’d hate to go back to working for a living.”
“So you want to play another hand?”
“Absolutely. Losing one hand doesn’t mean my luck has changed.”
Tyger grabbed the cards. It was his turn to deal. He shuffled and dealt without saying a word. When Logan picked up the cards, he decided. There were no pairs in his hand and only a slim possibility of a straight or flush. When Watson opened with a hundred dollars, he tossed in his cards.
It was then he saw a friend at the bar. He had known John Elder for almost a decade, and the man gestured to him. Since he had already dealt himself out of the deal, he smiled and got up.
“Excuse me for a moment, gentlemen. I’d like to say hello to a friend of mine. Haven’t seen him for a while.”
He walked to the bar and shook hands with Elder.
“John, what are you doing here?”
“I came on business, but I have something I have to tell you. And we need privacy. Not just a table in a saloon privacy. But real privacy. This is important, Derrick.”
“Want to come to my hotel room?”
Elder nodded.
Logan walked back to the poker table to pick up his money. “Excuse me, gentlemen, I have a little business to take care of. But thank you for the game.”
“Come back any time,” Watson said, smiling as always.
He walked to Elder. “Follow me. I’m over at the hotel. This sounds important.”
“It is. I’m glad I saw you. After I tell you what it is, you are going to be glad I saw you.”
“You’re getting me very curious.”
They walked across the street, entered the hotel, and went up to Logan’s room. He closed the door.
“So what is the mystery, John?”
Elder reached into his coat, brought out a folded poster, and handed it to Logan. “You better sit down before you look at that.”
Logan sat down on the edge of the bed and opened the poster. It showed a bearded man, and the large black letters underneath stated the man was wanted for murder and bank robbery. The picture was fuzzy and not clear. In addition, there were few mirrors in the mountains where he had been trapping. So, for a few seconds, Logan did not recognize himself. But the large black letters on the poster were easy to read: Derrick Logan was wanted for Murder and Bank Robbery. The reward was five hundred dollars, dead or alive.
For a moment, the ground seemed to swirl around him. He couldn’t catch his breath. He grabbed the bedpost to steady himself.
He had brought a bottle of whiskey to the room. He unzipped the cap and took a long gulp of the liquor. Then he shook his head, holding up the poster.
“This is … outrageous … I didn’t rob a bank … or shoot anybody.” He held up the poster again. “How did this happen?”
“I don’t know … but I saw the poster over at the post office. And there’s one at the courthouse I took down and threw away. I knew you wouldn’t do anything like that. I think these were the only two in town. But I’m sure there must be others. I wanted to tell you as soon as possible.”
Logan shook his head. “I don’t know what to say or what to do. This is …” He didn’t finish the sentence.
“First thing you have to do is stay out of sight. You’re lucky in one thing. They have a beard on you. An average person wouldn’t recognize you clean-shaven.”
“Yes, someone must have seen me in the mountains. I had a beard up there. I was trapping for about two months. I certainly wasn’t robbing a bank in …” He looked at the warrant again to see what the location was.
“… Idaho Springs? That’s where Judy lives. I’m engaged to her.”
“Well, the first thing I suggest is you get a letter off to her, telling her you are fine, but you didn’t rob any banks or shoot anyone. But if she knows you, she will know you didn’t do it, though you still should write her to make sure she knows you’re fine, at least for now.”
Logan vaguely nodded, still feeling like he was in shock. He looked at the poster again. In the fuzzy picture, he did have a shaggy beard. He thought it would be unusual if someone on the street could connect a clean-shaven Derrick Logan with the man on the poster.
“Five hundred dollars? That’s a good amount. I mean, most outlaws get a hundred-dollar reward. Or fifty. Maybe in rare cases, two hundred. But a five-hundred-dollar reward? Every bounty hunter in the state will be after me.”
Elder nodded. “Someone wants you dead. Whether by a hangman’s noose or by a bounty bullet. I don’t think the method matters to him. Just as long as it puts you in a coffin.”
Logan opened his mouth again, but at first, no words came out. He took another drink. “But who?”
“I don’t know,” Elder said. “But that is a very important question.”
Logan took another drink. “This is one heck of a welcome back after trapping for two months … I haven’t been near Idaho Falls for several months. I remember the last day I was there before leaving. Judy and I were making marriage plans. She thought a winter wedding might be very memorable, as long as it wasn’t too cold, or if there wasn’t too much snow.”
Elder shrugged. “Well, she’s right. It could be very picturesque. Snow, some green trees, decorations, things like that. I’ll look forward to coming. But first, you have to deal with this matter. You have to get this cleared up. “But, Logan, if you walk into a sheriff’s office to give yourself up and protest your innocence, the first thing he will do is arrest you and put you in jail.”
“Yes, and I can’t do that because I have to find out what’s going on. And I have to find the real criminal. The law is looking for me. It’s not looking for the real killer.”
He took another gulp of the whiskey, then rubbed his forehead. “John, can you do something for me?”
“Sure. What’s our first step?”
“I want to get word to Judy that I’m OK, at least for now. Can you travel to Idaho Springs and tell her? And I will get in touch with her as soon as possible.”
Elder nodded. “Certainly. I can leave tomorrow morning. And you better plan to move out of the hotel. Or don’t go anywhere. I don’t know how long this poster has been out, but I’m sure there’s more than one bounty hunter who wants to claim that five-hundred-dollar reward. And, of course, lawmen are looking for you too. Thankfully, that pic of the wanted poster doesn’t do you justice, and with the beard, it’s difficult to distinguish you.”
Logan put his hand on his chest for a moment and just listened to himself breathing. “I know that sometimes life gives you a nasty surprise, but this is the nastiest surprise I could think of. Why me? Why did they pick me? I’m assuming the bank down in Idaho Springs was robbed, and a man was killed, but how did I get blamed for it?” He paused for a moment. “That’s what I have to find out.”
“If you find out who blamed you, you may have found the real killer. He wanted to blame someone else for his crimes. And somehow, he was successful in pinning it on you.”
“Yes. And he walks away free. But I have to plan carefully. I can’t be out in public. If someone identifies me …” He raised his finger and pointed it at Elder. “That’s one reason I need you to go see Judy. If anyone starts hunting me, they will find out about my wedding plans with Judy. Then they will put her under surveillance. You can talk to her without arousing suspicion … no, wait a minute.” Logan realized he was breathing quickly, as if in a panic. He tried to relax and take a deep breath. “I imagine if anyone talks with Judy, they will be looked at with suspicion. The law will wonder if he is carrying a message from me to Judy.”
Elder thought for a moment. “Yes, but I’m your friend, and I know Judy too. It shouldn’t look strange if I travel over to console her and tell her I’m doing everything I can to find proof of your innocence. If any lawman questions me, he might not buy that story, but it makes sense. And I’m sure Judy will want to write a letter to you. I can carry it. And make sure I’m not followed.”
Logan walked over to the window, moved the curtain, and looked out at the dark town. The street was almost deserted. He saw one cowboy walking and heard some slight noise from the saloon. But the day had changed. The buildings and other physical structures had not changed, but the atmosphere had. He couldn’t look at the buildings in the same way. He had to wonder if a lawman or bounty hunter was somewhere in the darkness, waiting to strike. A lawman would simply arrest him, but the bounty hunter would just shoot him. It looked the same, but the world and small Colorado towns had changed dramatically during the last few minutes.
“Thanks for telling me this, John. I appreciate it. Not many people know me in this town, but I guess I better ride out tomorrow. Maybe I can find an out of the way town to stay. I have to figure out how to deal with this. I’m so confused that I’m not sure I can write coherently. Can you drop by tomorrow morning? I can compose a letter by then.”
“Sure. I should be able to get to Idaho Springs in a day. Or at least by noon, day after tomorrow.”
“Good … oh shucks.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just thought I probably can’t go into the bank to get my money. I have a little, but most of my profits from trapping went into the bank.” He thought for a moment. “But they didn’t call the sheriff when I put the money in. Maybe they don’t know about the wanted poster.”
“We shouldn’t take any chances. Write me a check, and I will cash it and get the money to you.”
“Oh, thank you. I have to take a trip to Idaho Springs too. That’s where the crime happened, so I need to go there to see what I can find out.”
Elder brought out a cigar and lit it, blowing gray smoke into the room. “I’m not sure about that, Derrick. You are pretty well known in that area. You spent most of your time in that town or that region. People might not recognize you here but would recognize you down there.”
“I’ll be careful,” he said. “But if the crime occurred down there, then the answer must be down there. And I have to find it.”
“Good thing you don’t have a beard anymore.”
The line evoked a chuckle from Logan. “I’m clean-shaven now. Never realized that could be a life saver.”
“Derrick, if you’re going down to Idaho Springs, I’ll stay there until you get there. Then if I can help you in any way, you can tell me. Then I need to get back up here.”
Logan nodded. “That’s fine. I appreciate all you have done.” He paused for a moment. “I guess it’s times like this when you know who your true friends are. I’m lucky to have a friend like you.”
“You’d do the same for me, Derrick.”
He got up and walked toward the door. “See you in Idaho Springs, and I’ll give you the money.”
“Thanks, Yes, don’t come up here again. Let’s be incredibly cautious. That five-hundred-dollar reward is going to get a lot of people’s attention. I want to know who put that on me. That’s a lot of money. Why is anyone that interested in having be caught or killed.”
“To protect himself or a someone else?”
“That crossed my mind. It’s something I’m going to check out.”
Elder opened the door. “Try to get a good night’s sleep, Logan. I’ll see you in Idaho Springs.”
After Elder closed the door, Logan looked out on the street again. “I don’t think I’m going to get a good night’s sleep anymore for a long time, if ever.”
Chapter Two
It wasn’t a good night’s sleep, but it was a better night than he had expected. And he did have dreams of being led to the gallows, having the noose tighten around his neck and then the platform dropping, and him with it. He dressed quickly and looked out the window. The street looked the same, even in the drab gray light of the early morning. He picked up his saddlebag and walked downstairs.
The clerk was dozing but was wakened by the footsteps.
“Good morning, Mr. Logan,” he said. “Leaving early?”
“Yes, I need to travel, and it’s always good to get an early start. I need to make a quick trip to Denver and then head south.”
“Hope you have a good trip.”
Logan tipped the man a dollar. He wanted the clerk to remember him. If so, the clerk would also recall that he was going to Denver, if anyone asked.
Ten minutes later, he headed for Idaho Springs. The wind was gusty, and the day was overcast. He petted his horse, Angelique, an off-white mare who enjoyed running like the wind. He had ridden her for six years now, and to Logan, she was the best horse in the West. In his past life, before the poster, he had spent a great deal of time on the trail, and he often talked to Angelique, and he began to think she understood him. She didn’t comment, but he thought at times she knew what he was saying.
“You know, Angel, usually when I’m in trouble, it’s my own fault. I missed it somewhere or did something stupid, and I faced the consequences. But I guess the one thing good about this is it’s not my fault. I am blameless. That’s always a good thing to be.”
Angelique neighed and nodded.
“But now I’m in a pickle, and I have to get out of it. Well, not really a pickle. It’s a bit more serious than that. But how do you find the guilty parties when you shouldn’t be walking or riding in public because someone might shoot you.”
The wind increased and swirled around the trees on both sides of the road. He paused for a minute to light a cigar. The wind blew the gray smoke away as soon as it rose from the cigar.
“Wait a minute,” he said, still with the match in his fingers. “Wait a minute.” The flame was so close to his fingers he yelped and let the match slip to the ground. The wind immediately blew it out.
“Wait a minute,” he repeated. He had been so shocked with the poster and the repercussions of what it meant that he had almost forgotten Stack Goldman. No one knew what his first name really was. He was just known as Stack, and he was one of the best investigators at the Wells Fargo Agency. And he was also a friend. There were Wells Fargo Offices across the state. There was a very good chance that Stack had not yet heard of the predicament of his friend Derrick Logan. Stack wouldn’t believe the charge. They had known each other for almost seven years, maybe eight. Stack knew he was not a killer.
As the wind swirled around and became a few degrees colder, he tried to remember where Stack was located. The last he heard, the company had sent Stack to the Durango office, which was close to the New Mexico border. Yes, if he recalled currently, Stack was heading the office. Which meant he would still be there. Wells Fargo did not shuffle their men around. Promoted them, yes. So if he hadn’t been promoted, Stack should still be in Durango.
Now he had to get to Durango.
He should have thought of Stack sooner, but shucks, it was not like he had ever faced this type of problem before. He had to think on his feet.
He leaned over and petted Angelique. “We’re going to take a detour, girl. A detour back to Colorado City, then if all goes well, we’ll be off.” He paused. He had walked around the town for a day, and no lawman grabbed him. He gave an inward thanks that the picture was so bad. Nobody should recognize him from that picture. He might get away with one last trip to the telegram office. There wouldn’t be many people there, and the chances anyone had seen the Wanted Poster was very slim. He needed to risk it.
He turned Angelique around and headed back to Colorado City. With the wind, bad weather, and early hour, he saw no one else on the road. It was six-fifteen when he walked into the telegram office. Only one drowsy operator was in the office. He was sitting with his eyes closed but opened the right eye when he heard the door open.
“Morning, mister. You got up early.”
Logan smiled. “Just need to get a telegraph off. Need to send one to Durango.”
“OK, long or short?”
“Short. Just trying to track down an old friend. Heard he was head of the Wells Fargo office there.”
The man nodded and moved his chair closer to his desk. “What do you want to say?”
“Just want to ask any Wells Fargo man if Stack Goldman is still the head of the office down there.”
The man started hitting the telegraph keys and sending beeps and other odd sounds on the line. Logan didn’t know how long he would have to wait. He was surprised when the same odd, beeping noises came back over the wire.
“He says, ‘Yes.’ Mr. Goldman is the agency head down here. Want me to still take the telegram to him and get a reply.”
“No, that’s fine,” Logan said. “Thank you very much. I appreciated it.”
He gave a dollar to the operator and walked over to the train station to take a look at the schedules. Several men were waiting for what must have been an early train, but they were not interested in him. Two of the three men were dosing off, and the other man was outside the station, looking toward the tracks as if trying to spot the coming train. He approached the clerk.
“Excuse me; I’m looking for the first train that will take me to Durango.”
The clerk laughed. “You came in the right time, mister. We got one coming through in fifteen minutes. Need a ticket?”
“I sure do.”
He handed over the fare, then raced off to ride Angelique to the Livery Stable and told the man he wanted the best there and that he would be back to collect the horse in a day or so.
“She’ll get the finest,” the man said, pocketing the money Logan gave him.’
Fifteen minutes later, Logan was on the way to Durango, breathing a sigh of relief. It was incredibly good luck he found a train headed south. But since he had just been the victim of some really bad luck, he deserved a little good luck to balance the scale.
“The Man whose Name Was Stolen” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!
After several months of hunting and trapping, Derrick Logan is looking forward to returning to civilization. He has cashed in his furs and is on the way to his bride-to-be when he sees his own face and name on a Dead or Alive Wanted poster. Utterly perplexed by the horrific accusations and the hefty reward of five hundred dollars for him, he realizes that he can no longer walk in public. With every bounty hunter in the state being after him, Logan has to keep in the shadows until he finds the answers and ensures that his name is clear.
But the road to justice is paved with very dark omens…
With the help of a good friend who works for Wells Fargo, Logan investigates behind the scenes and discovers who is really responsible for the robbery and the murder he is being accused of. Every day brings a new piece of evidence to light, and soon it’s clear that it’s not only Logan’s freedom that is at stake. A powerful man is carrying out a crime and a wicked conspiracy all on his own and if he succeeds in his plans, dozens, if not hundreds, will die…
Will Logan square up against the evils that will do anything to take him out of the hunt?
When the hunter becomes the hunted, events spiral out of his control and Logan finds himself in a deadly game of horrific crimes and secret schemes. Desperately searching for the truth and fighting for a way out, he won’t give in and he’ll never stop fighting for retribution…
A pulse-pounding drama, which will make you turn the pages with bated breath until the very last word. A must-read for fans of Western action and romance.
“The Man whose Name Was Stolen” is a historical adventure novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cliffhangers, only pure unadulterated action.
Grab my new series, "Grit and Glory on the Frontier", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
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